Stafettvasan 2023 – here we come!

Sälen to Mora, 90 km of skiing. Five skiers share the route and one of the 2,600 teams is Team Ptec.

Research shows that exercise increases the level of performance even when you are at work. For example, if you manage to complete the Vasaloppet, run 3 km or go down the steepest hill, you will see other possibilities. Even during working hours.

How is it related? Researchers at Stockholm University and Karolinska Institutet carried out a study where employees had to exercise during working hours. to investigate the effects of having employees exercise on work time.

“The increased productivity may partly be due to achieving more in the hours you are at work, perhaps due to better stamina, partly due to less working time being spent on sick leave”, say Ulrica von Thiele Schwarz and Henna Hansson, the researchers behind the study.

Team Ptec for Stafettvasan 2023

Team Ptec
Meet the Ptec Team. According to Marcus Elmersson, from left to right:
Petter the physical monster from Lilla Åbo, Agnes the team's hope for the future, Peter an experienced cross-country skier who only gets better with age, Me, Marcus, no talent, but trying to ski like them on TV. Tobias is also one of the participants in Team Ptec, but he was unfortunately not caught in the picture.



How many kilometers have you covered so far? (beginning of February) 
About 200 km
Marcus About 90 km on roller skies and almost
as much in the tracks (since November)
Petter About 800 km on snow
Agnes About 600 km this year, on snow
Unfortunately not more than 3-4 miles on snow so far!

How do you exercise?
 Running + intervals, punt machine and joint cross country skiing
Marcus On snow when possible, otherwise roller skis or a run
Petter What ever feels fun for the day or hanging out on someone else's setup
Agnes I mostly train on skis now that there is snow, otherwise it will be some weight training and also floorball once a week. Running and roller skiing when there is a lack of snow. Varies intervals/speed runs/long runs
Mostly punt machine, also running and roller skis

Is this your first time participating in the Stafettvasan?
No, this will be the second time.
This is my second time. I skied the final stretch for Team Elmersson in 2022
It's my first time
Yes, it's my first time

Goal of the participation?
Have fun, but it's also a carrot for training
Above all: Fun trip with a great group! Otherwise, I'm only happy if I complete my route 😊
Have fun!
Agnes Getting to the finish line, I see it as a fun thing.
Have fun!

What is the best thing about working out?
Train - eat well - feel good


Petter Community and getting tired
Endorphins, seeing development and the community when you train together. You also get a lot of energy from exercise.
You definitely feel better! Skiing makes it possible to train togehter

Do you notice that your performance at work/school is affected by exercise?
Yes, absolutely!
Absolutely. I feel much more alert when I keep my body moving!
One of the main reasons I work out is that I feel so much better after the sessions. Stress and fatigue disappear.
Hard to say as I've been training quite regularly for a long time, but I would still say yes. Especially in the morning when the body wakes up and you can focus all day. You are able to stay focused longer and don't become as restless.
It gets better and you get fitter! Although you can also be a little tired after a hard session 😊

Why should everyone try cross-country skiing?
Well, I doubt that everyone will try 😊
It's a nice form of exercise for the entire body if you like to get out in nature and exercise
A nice day of cross-country skiing beats most in nature experience. Days with bad weather you should stay away 😊
It's fun
Because it's so fun!

Okay, best tip if you want to try?
Bring a good coach
Marcus Choose a day with nice weather and nice tracks 😅
Petter Borrow or buy a pair of skins skis and go out and enjoy the sun
Agnes Take someone with you, try different styles, have well-rounded skis, go when there are good conditions.
Start on flat ground 😊



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